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What is a Single Point Load Cell?

A single point load cell is designed to accurately measure weight even when the load is unevenly distributed, thanks to its ability to accommodate off-centre loading. Unlike other load cells where the load must be precisely aligned to avoid errors, the geometric design of single point load cells provides flexibility, ensuring accurate readings despite the load's placement.

As a key category within the weighing industry, alongside others such as compression, tension, and beam load cells, single point load cells stand out for their versatility. They are ideally suited for platform scales where load placement can vary, allowing objects to be placed anywhere on the platform and still be weighed accurately. This feature significantly reduces the possibility of human error in load placement, eliminating the need for specialist equipment or training for precise readings. Moreover, a scale can be constructed with just a single cell, rather than requiring multiple cells at each corner, simplifying design and reducing costs.

What is a single point load cell?

How Do Single Point Load Cells Work?

A single point load cell, like all other modern load cells, is essentially a transducer that converts force or weight into an electrical signal. They achieve this using strain gauges, which are attached to the body of the load cell. When under load, the shape of the load cell deforms slightly. This change is detected by the strain gauges, which distort in unison with the body, resulting in a change in voltage. This voltage signal is proportional to the initial force or weight and can thus be used to calculate it.


Single point load cells come in numerous shapes and sizes to accommodate different types of applications. All of them feature an inner aperture, which is a geometrically precise cut-out of the body. This is often what visually distinguishes them from beam load cells. This aperture controls the thickness of the metal at various points across the load cell body and is the key to the cell’s ability to accommodate off-centre loading.

A single point load cell is usually constructed of either stainless steel or high-grade aluminium, the latter being most suited to lower capacity use. They come in both potted or hermetically-sealed versions depending on the degree of environmental protection needed, with some models offering ATEX approval for use in hazardous areas.

Flintec Products

Flintec has a comprehensive catalogue of single-point load cells for purchase, accommodating both large and small volume orders. All of our products are entirely manufactured by us, ensuring high-quality materials and excellent build quality. Should you need something unique, we can help you with a custom solution. We can offer several services, including mechanical design, electrical and software development, testing and calibration, regulatory and certification governance, up to fully project managed projects. Contact us to find out more about how we can help.