Corporate Responsibility

United Nations Global Compact

As an Indutrade company, Flintec is committed to supporting the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Indutrade have joined close to 10,000 companies, across 161 countries, in singing up to the UN Global Compact sustainability initiative.

The ten principles surround four key areas, namely human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The aim is to:

  • Support and protect international human rights
  • Eliminate discrimination in the workplace
  • Elimination of child labour and forced labour
  • Uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining for employees
  • Encourage environmental responsibility through initiatives and technology
  • Exclude corruption in all forms.

Each year, Indutrade will publish a Communication on Progress (CoP), highlighting participation in accordance with the ten principles. CoP submissions can be found here.

As an Indutrade company, Flintec is committed to ensuring the principles set out by the UN Global Compact are fundamental to how our business operates.