About Flintec

Parent Company



Flintec Group AB is part of the Measurement and Sensor Technology (MST) group of Indutrade AB.

Indutrade is a technology sales group that manufactures, markets and sells systems and services with a high-tech content to industrial customers in selected niches. In addition to the technology sales business is a growing share of own manufacturing companies with proprietary brands.

The focus is on high-tech components, systems and services for customers with a repetitive need. This provides stability to the business and its flow of revenues.

The organization is decentralised with more than 200 companies in 25 countries. They create value for their customers by structuring the value chain and enhancing the efficiency of their customers’ use of technical components and systems.

For Indutrade’s suppliers, value is created through access to an effective sales organisation with high technical expertise and established customer relationships. The aim is to make cooperation with Indutrade the most profitable way for suppliers to sell their products in the geographic markets in which Indutrade is active.

Indutrade’s most important product areas are valves, measurement technology, industrial equipment, hydraulics/pneumatics, filters and process technology, glass/plastics/ceramics, pipe systems, pumps, automation, chemical technical products, adhesives, medical technology and service.

Key customer segments include engineering, energy, water/wastewater, construction, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, pulp and paper, commercial vehicles, marine/offshore and automotive workshops.

The aim is to grow the business organically as well as through acquisition. Indutrade has a tried-and-tested model for strengthening and refining acquired companies in a structure with clearly decentralised responsibility.