Flintec Service

Custom Solutions

At Flintec we understand that unique projects need specialist attention. Whilst our standard product range accommodates a wide variety of applications; sometimes you need something unique. Our work on custom products range from simple modifications to complex projects. It all depends on your particular needs.

How We Can Help

Here at Flintec we have one of the strongest engineering resource pools in the industry. Our in-house work includes metallurgy, stress analysis, metrology, process engineering, industrial design, electronics, and software. Such a diverse skill set ideally places us to tackle any custom solution you might need.

We can take care of all the steps involved in bringing your custom solution to fruition. This includes the sensor, hardware, electronic and software development, verification and validation processes.

We will tailor the manufacturing process of our custom load cells to suit your demand. We can provide low-volume specialist work, yet quickly scale up to high-volume output via dedicated work cells.

We also offer technical support for clients inexperienced with weight and force measurement technology. We will work in conjunction with your engineering team to advise and instruct.

Quality Control

Whatever your needs, you can rely on us here at Flintec to provide you with the best in quality and precision. We guarantee high performance through our passion, dedication and full compliance with international standards.

We have ISO 9001 certification for quality management systems. This reflects our commitment to provide a consistent service that exceeds our customers’ expectations.

Our ISO 13485 certification is a quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. This makes us an ideal partner for providing solutions within the medical industry.

Project Development Process

Client Inquiry

Contact us via our website, email or in person at one of our regional offices.


Our sales and technical personnel will meet with you to discuss potential options. We will offer advice on your commercial objectives and any technical issues we foresee. Our aim is to find you the most appropriate load cell design in the fastest time frame.

Preliminary Design Phase

Our engineers will summarise the technical and commercial objectives. We will also review the development timescales and product costs with you.

Quotation and Statement of Work

We will send you a written quote and if necessary a statement of work. This includes the design objectives, verification and validation of samples, timescales and the delivery of working samples.

Detailed Design Phase

Following the quote, we will start the product design process. We like to keep in regular contact to appraise you of the progress and performance results. This stage usually involves structural analysis, failure checks, and risk assessments to ensure that we meet or exceed your specification.

Samples and Trials

At this point, we like to send you samples of the product for evaluation. Sometimes this process will involve multiple stages of in-house testing and field evaluation before we both agree that the product meets all necessary criteria.

Completion of Product Design

After we formally agree on the designed solution and have evaluated the samples, we will finalise the process by transferring the product into manufacturing.

Sign Off

We will meet with you to formally sign off the product development process, and if necessary agree upon any further product enhancements.